Review: Teyana And Iman

We have all seen multiple celebrity couples that steal our likes with their relationship goal pictures – Chris and Olivia, Khloe and Lamar and Rob and Chyna, but one thing they all have terribly in common is that once they take to the big screens their relationship goals quickly become relationship memes. Some say we have to blame the producers for applying too much pressure on the couples to create entertainment for us, yet Teyana and Iman beg to differ…

Last night debuted their new VH1 series Teyana And Iman ‘Meet The Shumperts’, where we got to see their real life ins and outs of their family dynamics and they fit baby Junie into their hectic schedules.

One thing we learnt from the first episode is that Teyana and Iman hold strong family values. A lot of celebrity families don’t have the same dynamic a regular family would have because of their busy schedules and status but somehow Teyman make this look much easier than we thought. Keeping their entire family very closely nit in both of their businesses, Junie is often on the road with them or they take turns in breaking from their careers when one needs to prosper.

Although this is a reality show, these two seem to take the made-up reality out of the picture and we just get real life. When have you ever seen your favourite A-list celeb food shopping with their kids or moments of them in their matching sweats and morning face? Their hashtag sent single Twitter a love aroma that neither they or we were ready for.

The episode ended with Teyana and Iman doing what we all know they do best… again in the shower. If this hasn’t already persuaded you to jump on the Teyman bandwagon then check out next weeks promo video bellow. The End definitely recommends you give it a watch.

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