dodie: Taking the O2 Academy Birmingham by Storm

photo by @jessrussellxx
In the midst of her UK tour, YouTuber and musician dodie came to Birmingham's O2 academy with her band for a show for her West Midland supporters.

by Megan Rhodes

With a stage adorned with flowers, covering every microphone stand, instrument support and even hanging from the ceiling, the initial feeling of walking into dodie’s concert space is one of being filled with softness and warmth.

When dodie arrived a few minutes late, she threw herself straight into two songs back-to-back, bringing the quiet crowd to life. There was even a light mosh pit.

During her song ‘Party Tattoos’ she asked her band to stop while she helped a member of the audience get some space as they fell ill. She got down off the stage to make sure that they were okay, and allowed time for the security to help the young girl before climbing back up on stage and restarting the song. This is something that is not a norm at a concert, but it was heartwarming to know that the musician cared enough about her young audience to put the concert on hold.

Playing new songs can be risky for a young artist with an audience who always want the hits, but dodie didn’t shy away from it and it paid off. The new songs give a new edge to her music, infusing her old style of indie-pop with a twist of light electronic music. Cleverly, she got the audience involved by splitting the audience in half and teaching them the lyrics so they could sing along.

While the singer’s main demographic are young teens, many of them were accompanied by older siblings and parents and there were even a few older couples there on their own. THE END overheard a member of the audience discussing the similarities and differences to ‘The Stranglers’ concert she went to a few weeks ago. This can only bode well for dodie’s longevity. Artists who break on YouTube face a difficult challenge as musicians as they face a battle of being accepted among “the greats”. This is as many of them self-produce and don’t have a label behind them, which some people see as a flaw or weakness.

The singer-songwriter has announced on her YouTube channel that she will be taking a break from UK tours for the moment. She signed off the concert dancing along to “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond with her band and left the crowd wanting more, awaiting the official release of her new singles, or maybe even an EP.

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